Friday, September 22, 2006

The worst part of pregnancy...

...has got to be these (hopefully) last few days. Everything's ready but we've got no baby and nothing to do but wait and wonder when the baby's going to get here. Could be today, could be tomorrow, could be two weeks from now. Sigh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No, dammit. It simply CAN'T be two weeks from now. : ) Are you doing all the things I told you to do to induce labor? Start massaging the heck out of your thumb/index-finger webbing... and that spot between your fibia and tibia halfway up the inside of your calf. Can you get to a rock show? Go belly-up to some speakers somwhere... Oh, and sex. I hear sex helps speed things up, though I must admit I was NOT up for that one. : ) But I know someone whose water broke within 20 minutes of doing the deed... And there's an old wive's tale says that eggplant is supposed to induce labor too. There's an italian restaurant down the street here that swears it's responsible for the births of many, many babies. I hate eggplant, though.

The waiting game is a killer, huh?