Monday, September 25, 2006

Due Date With Nothing to Do

Just came from the doctor and despite my getting my (and Martin's and Mom's and ...) hopes up with talks of cramping and possible contractions, she says I still don't look close. Darn that cervix anyway!

I have an appointment to see her a week from Wednesday, and we'll talk inducing then (if need be). In the meantime, at least I'm still feeling good, and the baby's heartbeat sounds wonderful (we'll do a test at the end of the week to make sure Baby's still holding up well).

Baby has taken to banging against my hipbone, which is a strange sensation indeed. (S)He seems to have mostly abandoned the previous favorite plaything: my bladder. I told Martin my million-dollar idea is to create a newborn toy that's shaped and feels like a bladder. All babies would ADORE it, I feel certain.

There's another new belly picture posted over in the Recent Pictures. Doesn't look much different to me. Of course, the picture's taken from farther away, so maybe it's an optical illusion....

We'll keep you posted. If possible, we'll blog before we leave for the hospital -- whenever that might be.


Anonymous said...

The picture is definitely different--you've dropped... which you damn well better have done, because it's darn near time for that bugger to come on out! See how the belly is less "perky" in the later picture? Bub is slidin' on down, getting ready for his/her grand entrance.

Cramping and possible contractions? What did you do today? Did you walk the track? Pace the mall? Get out there and WALK, dammit! I refuse to wait another whole WEEK for a possible induction. : )

I can't believe how calm you sound about the whole thing. You're a picture of grace! I'm definitely impressed. : )

Todd S. said...

The waiting sucks, but my favorite part was the blogging before we leave for the hospital...sha!

"No...just let me get the post up first!!" (sorry, just made me smile).

There will be plenty of time to blog AFTER the kid's in kindergarten.