Thursday, September 28, 2006

Passing the Time

So ... what does a mother-to-be do to pass the time while waiting for a past-due baby? Well, the answer, it turns out, is pretty much anything to keep herself busy. Today, for example, I mostly spent the time muttering "Not fun anymore ... grumble, grumble. ... So tired of this ... grumble, grumble." I also was lucky enough to visit Hot Doug's with Kelly and her beautiful girls. It was an oasis of fun in the middle of my crabbing.

As for other days, I've made a little illustration of some of my favorite things to do:

* watching TV (my blessed Martin found me Season 1 of "X-Files," and I'm almost done)

* talking on the phone -- my million daily calls always go like this:
Caller: "Anything?"
Me: "Nope."

* doing freelance work (you've hit rock-bottom when freelance work is your "treat" of the day)

* going on a walk (to try to shake the baby loose)

* knitting (I started this scarf for Martin three years ago if that shows how often I usually do it)

* reading (I've been tearing through the books, trying to "stock up" for when Baby takes up my reading energy and time)

* cleaning (see note about freelance work)

* taking Maalox (usually while cursing and grimacing)

* sleeping (see note about reading)

* aimlessly searching the Web (soooooo not interesting, by the way)

* wondering why I didn't just go ahead and start the school year after all (Who cares if the students would have only had me for a month or so before I left for the year? At least I'd have been busy.)

Have any suggestions on Web sites to entertain me? Other sources of diversion? Post a comment!


Kelly said...

When I was on bed rest, I spent hours every day dozing in front of the TV. And eating.

I guess that doesn't help any.

Anonymous said...

Well maybe you and Baby Barron could play patty cake. He/she on the inside and you on the outside. Or how about you and the baby having a long talk?

Come on Baby Barron we are all ready.

Love to all.

Grandma and Grandpa Kennedy