Monday, September 04, 2006

And It Burns, Burns, Burns...

"Ring of Fire" has been going through my head a lot lately--and not just because the song really kicks butt. No, it's been endlessly circling in my mind because this @#$%# heartburn is never-freaking-ending. And it burns, baby, it burns.

So now, in addition to really, really, REALLY looking forward to meeting Baby, I have the added bonus of looking forward to the (hopeful) end of my own personal Ring of Fire. Outside of meeting the little Booger, I thought the thing I was looking forward to the most post-pregnancy was sleeping on my back again. Now I'm torn between looking forward to that and to not have a trail of lava blazing up my throat every second of the day.

So if you have any suggestions, I'm ready to listen. Only I'm not a very good patient. For example, I still go ahead and eat stuff I know I shouldn't. But--honestly--I got heartburn yesterday after drinking a glass of water. Seriously. Good ole H2O. So I could try eating boiled chicken every day for the next month, or I could go ahead and eat that piece of pizza. Can you blame me?


Anonymous said...


Ring of fire will have a whole new meaning when you give birth. It is often how they describe the particular feeling of pushing. I always thought the pain was in the dilation, and then everything was groovy. Alas, it's not so. You have to push the baby through the "ring of fire". And it burns, burns, burns. (sheesh, you thought you loved June Carter and Johnny Cash - how could they have done this to you??!?)

So "Ring of Fire" is definitely the theme song. Maybe the baby will have a black pompadour!

Kerri said...

Well, doesn't the old wives tale say that heartburn means the baby will be hairy? So perhaps that black pompadour isn't such a stretch after all....

Which reminds me, I'm going to add "Ring of Fire" to our playlist for the labor room. A little celebration of the joys to come!

Kelly said...

I'm trying to remember what heartburn meds they had me one while I was on bed rest -- you think your heartburn is bad now, try lying down ALL THE TIME. I want to say it was Pepcid AC. Whatever it was, it did the trick (until the hospital pharmacy ran out). Ask your OB if you can take Pepcid.

Kerri said...

Alas, I do take the Pepcid. Sometimes it works OK, and sometimes my heartburn spits in Pepcid's face and laughs mockingly while doing so.

I can only imagine how much the bed rest made your heartburn oh-so-delightful. [Shudder.]

Kelly said...

Hmm. Maybe it was something else. Or maybe my heartburn just wasn't as fierce as yours.