Thursday, November 08, 2007


Libby's favorite word these days is "up" (as in pick me up; put me up on your lap; help me up on the couch so I can maul the cat; etc.). She pronounces it "uuuuppppp-pppuhhh." Here is her exact face after she is on the "pppp" part (as you can see from the picture, upppp-pppuuhhh also means "pick me up over the gate").

I say it's her favorite word, but I should say one of her favorites. She also likes to say "Hiiii" and "Bye-bye," and she loves to woof-woof at dogs, cats, and squirrels. In the last week, she's also started to say book much better (it's pronounced boo', by the way; I've been saying it wrong all these years) and has started on shoe, which is right now at sort of a tstst-sshh sound.


Anonymous said...

I wish I was in Chicago, so I could pick her upppp-pppuuhhh. I can't wait to see her the next time. By the way, Libby made the top of Kennedy's last best friend list. (Sorry Aunt Kim)



Anonymous said...

The dogs read the blog and said they could hardly wait to see Libby again...they want to hear her bark! She is as cute as ever!

Love You!
Aunt Kimmy

Anonymous said...

Good morning Libbers. Great to hear the new word sounds. Won't be long until she will be talking so much we won't even be listening to her. And reading is soon to follow. Watch out all animals Libby will be after you. Run like the wind. Won't be long until Libby can be teaching her new brother/sister to talk and all the other grown up stuff. Walking and protecting her/him self from the Mother Libby. She is getting to be such a big girl. Love to all. Grandma and Grandpa Kennedy.