Sunday, November 25, 2007

Libby Loves Babes

Aunt Kimmy sent Libby a new baby doll to help her prep for the upcoming role of big sisterhood. Martin thinks Kim hit a developmental stage just right because Libby just loves to cuddle with that new little babe (not to mention carry the baby around by her foot, but we won't get into that).

Thanks, Aunt Kimmy!


Anonymous said...

And Libby isn't even trying to poke out the dolls eyes or tear off a limb. She is quite the young mother. I hope she is better than her Mom and doesn't spank them when she puts them to bed. Ha. Libby is sure cute but then we are quite prejudice. She is going to break lots of guys hearts. Lots of love to everyone. Grandma and Grandpa Kennedy

Jo said...

These pictures are so sweet! I have no doubt that Libby will be a tremendous big sister!

Mary Beth said...

So cute! Was that a stinky diaper she was dismissing? Off with you, diaper! She'll be ready to babysit on her own in no time. See -- having kids close together is a helpful thing!

Kerri said...

Yes, MB, good catch -- she is changing a stinky diaper. She models her style after mine: I always change her poopy diapers with a big smile and a huge flourish. (Or is that a big groan and a huge gag?)

Jules said...

Sure, she's smiling now....

Anonymous said...

Can Baby #2 possibly be as cute as Libby? I'm sure s/he can, but it's hard to imagine anyone as cute as her!