Here's a list of things that my baby can do (that yours can't) that allows me to assert so strongly (and truthfully) that she's a genius:
>>Ask her what a [insert animal here] and she properly responds to the following (in roughly the order she learned them)
lion (which sounds different because she's a genius)
>>When we play ABC Animal Zoo she anticipates some of the animals and makes the sound.
>>We were looking through the encyclopedia the other day (yes, she reads the encyclopedia, see the title of this entry) we came across a picture of a spider and she said "boo." Why? Because MONTHS ago, her aunt Kimmy gave her a plastic spider and taught her how to scare people with it.
So please, I implore you, don't fight it. Just give in and accept your new super intelligent overlord, Libby Vida.
See how she's snickering in the picture Martin posted with this entry? That's because super-genius Libby knows that Mommy and Daddy are more stoopider than she is. She sees the future (of easily out-thinking her parents), and it is rosy!
Good morning, Next Libby will be reading and memorizing the dictionary. Genius huh? Like the time she bit her Mom's finger? or the time she spilled Mom's smoothie? Ahh yes step's to genius. Wonder if Nub's thinks she is a genius? The road is a rocky one. Ha. She is cute though and yes we are prejudice. We miss her very much and look forward to our visit in early December. Lots of love to everyone. Oh yes we have to warn the Libbey that competition is coming soon. Make the best of being the only child while it last. Grandma and Grandpa Kennedy
Good thing Alejandro isn't threatened by smart young women. Bring it on, little braniac!
I always knew she had a mischievous twinkle in her eye.... We bow to you, Libby, Leader-of-the-Universe-to-Be!
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