This damn Blogger site is killing me! I've been trying to post this message for at least two days...
And now my post:
I have become one of "those people" (as Martin put it); I have gone mall-walking. What can I say? It's cold as hell here, and I needed to get out and get a little exercise (although in actuality I just ate lunch and then shopped). My friend Kelly and her girls Evie and Sophie joined us. Evie continued her love affair with Libby the Real-Live Baby Doll. Sophie referred to Libby as both "puppy" and "baby" on our visit but seemed to like Libby just fine either way.
A good time was had by all ... until Libby pooped herself in blowout fashion. Mommy reached into the diaper bag and grasped ... air. I had forgotten to replenish the diapers. We made do with one of Evie/Sophie's diapers, but since they're about as big as her whole torso, we had to hotfoot it on home after that. Bad Mommy!
hahahaha... Ah, blowouts. Ben was the blowout king early on (nevermind the copious spitting up), so I learned to ALWAYS make sure that I had a bounty of diapers as well as a change of clothes for him in the bag (including socks! Even socks can fall victim to the blowout) AND a change of clothes for ME in the trunk. Oh--and a whole stash of plastic newspaper bags to adequately quarantine the soiled garmets without tainting any other diaper-bag necessities. Newspaper bags rule.
Good tip with the newspaper bags!
Kerry gets her first mother of the year award. Going out without diapers.
A great idea is taking off a t shirt and using that in an emergency. Not that we ever did that you understand.
You go Libby gal. Have a blowout whenever you want. It is always and immediate attention getter.
grandma and Grandpa Kennedy
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