Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Oh my god! My baby has a bellybutton

Enjoy the view boys and girls, because this is the last time Ms. Libby will be showing her midriff in public, ever.

Yes, last night, in the midst of our most trying nights as a new family yet, Libby lost her umbilical cord. Sometime around 3am (I think) Kerri tapped me on the shoulder and handed it to me. My first inclination was wonder why she was handing me a raisin. But being as tired as I was, I wasn't about to argue and just popped it in my mouth.



Anonymous said...

It appears that Libby is going to be an "innie".

Is there room there for a body ring?

She is now ready for the hip huggers.

You go girl.


Grandma and Grandpa Kennedy

Anonymous said...

Yuk. ... You know, we never did find Avery's, and I've thought all along that Rick ate it. ...

Here's some unsolicited advice: Don't save it. Rumor is my dad tried to save mine and, well, it seems the real souvenir was a collection of bugs. Double yuk.

Momma Mitchell