An accounting of the two cutest (and smartest and funniest) kids on the planet.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Libby's Newest Tricks
Libby: "Guh."
Mom: "Guh."
Libby: "Guh."
It's scintillating stuff, I tell you, but this mother's heart melts every time.
She also has learned to (accidentally) suck her tongue, which produces a loud clucking sound. Usually, she manages to do this when she's already in a pissed-off little Libby mood and then it scares the hell out of her. The conversation with herself goes like this:
Libby: grumble, grumble (Libby's ticked-off crabbing sounds)
Libby: [loud click from a suck]
Libby: [Chrissie Snow snort] WAAAAHHHHH.
Monday, October 30, 2006
Here come the Grandparents
Libby's other Grandparents got to meet her this weekend, along with one of her great Grandmothers. Too bad she decided this would be a good time to stay up all night screaming bloody murder. Oh well, everyone had a good visit anyway.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Walking the Walk
This damn Blogger site is killing me! I've been trying to post this message for at least two days...
And now my post:
I have become one of "those people" (as Martin put it); I have gone mall-walking. What can I say? It's cold as hell here, and I needed to get out and get a little exercise (although in actuality I just ate lunch and then shopped). My friend Kelly and her girls Evie and Sophie joined us. Evie continued her love affair with Libby the Real-Live Baby Doll. Sophie referred to Libby as both "puppy" and "baby" on our visit but seemed to like Libby just fine either way.
A good time was had by all ... until Libby pooped herself in blowout fashion. Mommy reached into the diaper bag and grasped ... air. I had forgotten to replenish the diapers. We made do with one of Evie/Sophie's diapers, but since they're about as big as her whole torso, we had to hotfoot it on home after that. Bad Mommy!
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Lunchin' With Libby
And just imagine -- this was all before Libby had a belly button. Imagine the waves she'll create now!
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Oh my god! My baby has a bellybutton
Enjoy the view boys and girls, because this is the last time Ms. Libby will be showing her midriff in public, ever.
Yes, last night, in the midst of our most trying nights as a new family yet, Libby lost her umbilical cord. Sometime around 3am (I think) Kerri tapped me on the shoulder and handed it to me. My first inclination was wonder why she was handing me a raisin. But being as tired as I was, I wasn't about to argue and just popped it in my mouth.
Monday, October 23, 2006
If Libby Is Ever ...
New slideshow posted
Go, Kari and Scott, Go!
Kari and Scott were awesome enough to bring us some yummy Thai food a week ago for dinner. (This isn't to mention that Kari also brought me sushi in the hospital, which was the BEST.) The above picture is from that night. Kari professed undying love for Libby and promised to come over and babysit regularly, which has caused Martin and I to profess our undying love for her. (As if all of that food wasn't enough to buy our love already.)
We haven't heard from them yet, but I just found online that Kari ran a 4:26 and Scott a 4:03. Woohoo! You guys rock!
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Get that child some Noxzema
Libby was born with a potent case of Milia, which looks a lot like acne but actually "are created when dead skin becomes trapped in tiny pockets near the surface of your baby's skin." Recently they've all become red and inflamed (the above pictures don't even do it justice). Now, I stand by the statement that my little girl is the most beautiful baby ever. But, ummm, I'm more willing to entertain the notion that I may be less than my usual objective self right now.
Friday, October 20, 2006
Growth Spurt
Thankfully, Libby quieted down once I got home (please pass along to Kerri and anecdotes or stories you have that make it abundantly clear that Libby did not quiet down BECAUSE of me but only because she knew it'd be the best way to mess with Mom's head). She's sleeping now and Kerri's out with friends recuperating. What's Dad up to? Screwing around with Photoshop:
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Just Like Grandpa Kennedy
Libby makes me laugh when she does this while trying to sleep and eat because it looks so much like my dad when he naps and is trying to block out the world. Libby has learned the hand-over-the-eyes trick early.
Alas, we haven't seen Libby sleeping a lot these days. She's in the middle of a growth spurt, so she's a (fussy) eating machine. For Mom and Dad's sake, let's hope this phase goes quickly.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Sorry About the Delay
We'll have more entries soon (and hope to be able to post some pictures).
Monday, October 16, 2006
Libby's Future Boyfriend
RIP, Digital Camera
Well, the sad news is that our digital camera seems to have bit the dust. We're sending it in to Fuji, but I'm not holding my breath. At least we have our camcorder to take pics, and Kari and Scott have generously offered to loan us their camera until we find out what's going on. So you should have some pictures to enjoy still.
In the meantime, I'm trying to post that wrinkled-brow, pursed-lip look of Libby's again. I realized after my last post that it's not in the slideshow. It's my favorite expression of hers by far! I often laugh out loud when she makes it (which she really appreciates, by the way).
I wish I could post my favorite Libby sound: this Chrissie Snow(of "Three's Company") snort she makes when she's crying because she's stubborn and ticked off. It is the loudest, most sinus-clearning snort you've ever heard.
Friday, October 13, 2006
Post website problems here...
Just this morning I was informed that Internet Explorer was again moving the the right-hand picture bar to the bottom of the site. That's fixed now, but who knows for how long (I thought I'd 'fixed' it once already).
If you're having other problems, let me know in the comments and I'll see what I can do to fix them.
I'll also make another plug for using Firefox, which is just a great web browser. It's free, it's got tabbed browsing (which you don't realize you need until you use it, and then you can't imagine how you lived without it), and it's not from Microsoft. You can download it here.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
New, New, New
Martin's uploaded more pictures in the slideshow section. You'll notice a lack of pictures of me with Libby. This is because practically every time she's with me, she's suckling at the teat and modesty precludes posting pictures. Yes, I am now a 24-7 milk cow.
New News:
Libby had her first well-baby checkup at the doctor yesterday. Everything looked great! She's back up to 7 pounds, 11 ounces -- closing in on her birth weight. The way she's eaten today, I'll expect her to be up to 8 pounds by the end of the day. She's been a chowhound!
New Sleep Info:
Libby was an angel last night. She only got up twice and went back to sleep fairly quickly both times. Phew! I got at least two stretches of decent sleep for three hours or so. Ahhhh. Daddy's "shift" is from 8-midnight or so (usually her fussy period ... poor Martin), but she was sound asleep by 10. So he had a really good night's sleep!
New Tricks from Libby:
* She's started wrinkling her brow, which is my all-time-favorite newborn trick. She especially does it when she finishes feeding, and I'm trying to burp her. She wrinkles her brow, purses her lips, and gives a head-rolling bang against my shoulder. Too cute! (There's a picture of this in the slideshow, but I can't seem to get it to post here for some reason.)
* She's taken to falling asleep sooooo hard (usually after a minute or two feeding ... grrr. Wake up, girl!) that her mouth hangs open in a gaping maw of slumbering pleasure. Hilarious. The last picture in the new slideshow shows this well. (Although the picture is wrongly horizontal, so you'll have to turn your head. I'm too lazy to fix it.)
* She's started speaking full phrases in Farsi, English, and French. Martin and I really only expected her to have one language mastered by this point, but -- what can I say? -- our Libby's a cut above the rest.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Sleep? We don't need no stinkin' sleep!
Well, Libby has decided that rather than sleeping at all last night, she'd stay up with mom and dad. " What? Mom and Dad aren't going to stay up all night? Well, I know how to change that!"
It's kinda surprising how little sleep a person needs to function. Though, I wonder if the adrenaline of having her home is just masking the true effect of sleeplessness right now.
Kerri and I did a decent job of swithing off last night. Unfortunately, she has to bear the brunt of it because she has to feed her unless my man boobs suddenly gush forth (which, frankly, I'm neither counting on nor hoping for).
I wonder if a newborn is what the CIA is using to torture al qaeda members with "extreme sleep deprivation." I wonder what that requisition form looks like.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Welcome Elizabeth Vida
I am delighted to announce the birth of Elizabeth Vida. Baby and mother are both happy and healthy (Dad, on the other hand, is a wreck).
* “Given two source of milk and having exhausted one, what proportion of my milk sources remain”
** “I’m hungry;” “I need to be changed;” “I’m beautiful, pay attention to me”
*** The study of personality traits and potential criminality from the shape and bumps on the head (e.g. Dad’s)
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
And We're Off!
Think happy thoughts for us. Labor shouldn't take more than, oh, 30 or so minutes, right? I'll have this kid by Henry and Lori's suppertime in California, yes?
Look for more Baby Barron news soon!
Monday, October 02, 2006
So much for "The Wisdom of Crowds"
I can't say Kerri or I find the baby's late arrival particularly surprising. Neither of us likes to get out of bed when we're nice and comfortable, and it looks like baby's found the most comfortable bed of them all.