Saturday, August 08, 2009

Story Time with Libby

For the last few nights, Libby has been going to bed after telling us the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears go to the Zoo. Which is basically the story of Curious George because she makes the story up by looking at the pictures and trying to remember what the story for that page is. Last night we got about half of it on tape. Probably the sort of thing that only her parents can appreciate but I post it here nonetheless.


Henry+Lorraine+Lauren+Lucy said...

Love, love, love this! She's quite the little talker!

Anonymous said...

Libby is a great story teller and has the interest in books that her Mommy and Daddy have and she is good at telling the story. She is also worried about Emma in the background. Keep it up Libby. Love to everyone. Grandma and Grandpa Kennedy and Aunt Kim and Cousin Kennedy.