Thursday, July 30, 2009

Big Girl Bed Time

Last Saturday Libby got her very first Big Girl Bed and she LOVES it. She's taken to it like a champ with zero complaints and no sneaking out in the middle of the night (so far...).

For some reason, Libby has decided that sleeping in a big girl bed means sleeping in (or at least with) a sweater and baseball hat. We tried convincing her she'd be hot but ultimately figured that it was a battle not worth fighting.

In fact, the biggest problem we've had so far is that Emma seems to be leaning towards wanting a big girl bed too. And Mom and Dad are not ready for that.


Henry+Lorraine+Lauren+Lucy said...

Oh my gosh, they are both so freakin' adorable!!! Look at Libby all growns up in her big girl bed!

Anonymous said...

Libby is growing up by leaps and bounds. So Emma thinks she should have a big girl bed also? Regarding having things in her bed. Kerri must have forgotten how much "stuff" she had in her bed including a dog is she could talk the dog in to sleeping with her. Both girls look so old and beautiful. Love to everyone. Grandma and Grandpa Kennedy