Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Lil' Foodie

Our sweet (OK, sweet-ish -- she still has a temper, after all) reflux queen is just not that interested in food. The veggies are greeted with ambivalence, and even the fruits get a lukewarm reception. We've only tried apples and bananas so far; perhaps peaches will be what finally sets Libby's palate afire.

I've gotta say that she might not be the best judge in tastes. I've tasted a bit of her Zantac, which she LOVES to take, and it's disgusting. This is what she likes? Bananas are so-so, but the bitter, disgust-o medicine is lapped up with a smile?


Anonymous said...

Libby's Mommy always had food in her hair and ears so Libby is a "chip off the old block".

Libby is so cute but as we have said often we are a little prejudice.

Love you.

Grandma and Grandpa Kennedy

Kelly said...

Go with the orange foods! For many months, Evie and Sophie would only eat foods from the orange food group: peaches, sweet potatoes, carrots, and squash. Maybe Libby will share their love of orange.

Anonymous said...

And thus begins the never ending food battle... They're fickle little devils, aren't they?

What is, "Bananas! Where have you been all my life? I LOVE YOU, bananas," one day... is, "Bananas!?! Woman, why are you approaching me with such a vile substance?" the next. As far as I can tell, there's no rhyme or reason to any of it. We just had an extremely violent reaction to cottage cheese this morning--although this same substance has been consumed with glee in the past. Bah. She'll love her food soon enough... and then hate it... and then love it... LOL

She loves the Zantac? Giving Ben Zantac was about as pleasant as killing puppies (though it did make his spit-up smell minty and refreshing). LOL. Consider yourselves blessed! : )

(And thanks for the double post!!! Yay!!! More Libby!)

Anonymous said...

I do remember Kerri having food in her hair all of the time. I believe she liked to save the crusty little bits for bedtime snacks. I won't tell you what else she liked to snack on....but I did call her Boogers when she was little (and sometimes even now)!!!

Love you!
Aunt Kimmy

Kerri said...

Hi-freaking-larious, Aunt Kimmy.

Ugh, Alisa. You've broken my heart. You mean I'll still be puzzling about her eating habits for years to come?