Monday, February 12, 2007

Big Girl!

Last week's 4-month well visit went wonderfully! Libby (now that she doesn't spit up four or five times after each feeding) is gaining weight very well! She's up to 12 pounds and something like 13 ounces. You'll notice that Libby is still follicularly challenged. Bald is beautiful, baby!

She's big enough now to use her Exersaucer, which she adores. (However, she gets exhausted pretty quickly by it, so we only enjoy it in limited doses.) Can you believe the difference in the few weeks since we last tried the Exersaucer with her? If I'm quiet, I think I might be able to hear her growing.

She's also super-smiley and giggly right now and only gets more so with each day. What fun! Who in the world ever would have thought it back in those early screamy, crabby, teary days?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a big girl!!! I can't wait to see her tomorrow. Is she ready to get attached by all of her cousins and aunts???

Love you!
Aunt Kimmy