Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Terrible Twos

Some catch-up here to talk about Emma hitting the big 0-2 in December. We had a little party to celebrate, where Emma did her best not to associate with anyone else but Mommy or Daddy or Libby (she's in a very anti-social phase).

We managed to take the crummiest pictures imaginable all day long. Sigh.

Playing "with" our neighbor Lily.

Another of Aunt Kelly's gorgeous creations. A polka dot cake for my little polka dot nut. (Someday I will remember to take a picture of the polka dot jammies that started the whole craze. I have had to rip the feet out so that she can continue to wear them. I don't know what we'll do when they don't fit anymore! She'll be devastated.)

Emma loathed the singing and all-of-the-attention-on-her part of the day. The cake-eating part, though, was A-OK.

Not from her birthday but awfully cute nonetheless (and naked, natch).

Doesn't she look like one of those Russian nesting dolls? I'm blanking on the name.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What great pictures of Emma and her antisocial mode. Eating will always remain one of her strong points. Emma is going to give new meaning to "terrible two's". Maybe you can cut the crotch out of her pj's and allow her to use them a little more. She will have to give them up when she goes to school anyway. Lots of love to everyone. Grandma and Grandpa Kennedy