Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Major(ette)ly Cute

I wore this costume for Halloween when I was little, as did my sisters before me and family members back to my cousin Shelley, for whom my Aunt Barbara made it. Alas, I think it's too big for Emma, and I can't convince Libby to wear it (I don't think anyway -- still working on it).

As it stands, I think Libby's going to go as a princess (*gag* I'm not big on the whole princess thing), and Emma's going to be dressed as a piggy with wings and go as Swine Flew (again, we'll see if I can convince her; she might wind up as a princess just because her sister is or in Libby's old chicken costume from last year if I don't get off my duff and make some piggy ears).


Anonymous said...

I am so glad that you posted these pics of the girls. The costume has held up well over the years. I love the fact that Libby wants to be a princess. It probably doesn't have anything to do with the fact that I try and give her princess items as often as possible.

Aunt Kimmy

Anonymous said...

The pictures are great. Everyone who has worn it always looks so cute as do Emma and Libby. We love seeing the girls grow up. Love to everyone. Grandma and Grandpa Kennedy

Jules said...

I assume this post was actually written by Kerri and not Martin--though I'm sure he would have looked very cute in the majorette outfit, too!