Thursday, December 18, 2008

Happy Birthday, Emma (and now Daddy, too)!

Sorry the delay in posting this fall/winter. When we haven't been sick, we've been out of town. When we haven't been sick or out of town, we've not been sleeping (and I mean NOT sleeping). As you can imagine, it's been a really fun time around here for a few months.

But we have had some actual real fun, too. And here's photographic proof. (Emma's birthday pictures will have to wait; Martin uploaded the photos on his laptop apparently, so I can't access them.)

Celebrating Barack's victory. Life is good!

Libby's helping me post today and specifically asked that I include this "pickshaw" of the "boo-boo."

Out enjoying "a snowy day" (as Curious George's book calls it so we now call it, too). Emma's first snow play. She was a trooper! Ten more inches expected today. I hope she's ready for more fun!

She looks like she's having lots of fun....


Jo said...

I'm glad the girls are embracing this weather. Got lemons, make lemon ice?

Happy birthday, sweet Emma and daddy, too!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures and the girls are getting so big. Looks like snow is their bag. Do hope that neither girl has been eating an yellow snow. First thing you teach the outdoors protocol. Happy Birthday to all. Lots of love to everyone. Grandma and Grandpa Kennedy