Friday, August 01, 2008

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things

A brief sampling of things I love right now:

1. Libby's name for a garbage truck is "dump trash truck." Until recently it was actually "fire truck? dump trash?".

2. If Libby doesn't fall asleep right away, she sits in her crib and talks to her dolls and stuffed animals and sings and reads her books. (Sometimes with all of the dolls and books and animals and blankets in her crib, there's hardly room for Libby herself.)

3. Emma's metronome foot. When you put Emma on her tummy (and I know I've said this for a long time, but the kid is SO close to crawling), her little foot just tap-tap-taps at the floor like a little metronome. The people downstairs must wonder what the heck it is.

4. Libby's curiosity. Everything is a question. Everything is picked up immediately (not any curse words yet, though, thank God).

5. Libby's counting. "One, two, three, five, seven, nine, ten."

6. Emma's belly laugh and Libby's smile -- both of which we are seeing a lot these days. Despite how exhausted I look in these pictures (and, yes, I'm pretty darn tired) and how crabby I often am (sorry, Martin), life is really good right now.

Libby on the ferry.

The girls and I have breakfast on the porch in Maine.

Emma gets a head-to-tummy tickle from Mommy...

... and loves it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for letting us know what your girls are doing! I'm enjoying "seeing" them grow up from afar. Anxious to see you this weekend. Love, Kandi