Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Thanks, Grandma Betsey!

So I took the pictures Martin last posted as a thank-you to Grandma Betsey for these adorable outfits she sent the girls for Easter. I put them on the girls to commemorate the first decent weather we've had around here in, oh, 107 months. Here are a couple more outtakes from the photo shoot. By the way, I have no idea why Libby insisted on holding her arm like that, but I like the gentlemanly look of it. "May I escort you to your chair, Madam?" And I love that Emma's clutching it like the genteel little lady she is (cue a loud belch from Emma).

And here's another shot of Smiley Peepers (a k a Eczema Head ... poor girl).

One of Martin's colleagues was so sweet and brought this adorable little coat back for Libby from somewhere in South America (Bolivia? Chile?). Libby ADORES it and refuses to wear any other "toat." In fact, she often insists on wearing it around the house for hours on end.

And is it just me, or is there something a little creepy about this? I keep waiting for the doll's head to do a 360 while she pulls out a miniature butcher's knife. (I owe these terrible images to a really creepy "Fantasy Island" evil-doll episode that scarred me profoundly.)


Anonymous said...

that baby doll is so so so so bald.

Anonymous said...

What great pictures and the Easter clothes are cute. Two beautiful girls learning to live with each other in harmony. Or something close to that. Ha. One with some nice straight hair and one with little hair. They are going to be a hit with the boys. Lots of love to everyone. Grandma and Grandpa Kennedy

Jules said...

That Libby is quite a sassy dresser! I love the brightly colored "toat" and the Pooh top. Cute, cute girls!