Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Howdy, Strangers!

Sorry we haven't had much time to post lately. Things have been quite hectic around here for a few weeks. I'm hoping things will slow down a smidge soon, so I can post more updates for Emma and Lib's anxiously awaiting fans. (I'm also hoping things will slow down a little so Mama can have a teensy-weensy bit of sanity back.)

In the meantime, to give you a little hit o' the Emma-Libbers cuteness:

Usually, Libby plays Naked Duck Girl at bathtime, but apparently the night of this performance, the role was played by Daddy.

Nanook of the North. I know -- adorable, right? But I've seen it enough, thank you. No ... more ... snow!

Smily Peepers -- a happy girl.

Enjoying the Ohio blizzard with cousins Diana ("Nnnnn-nah") and Kennedy ("Dee-Dee").

Enjoying Ohio chips and dip. Grandma has great treats.


Julie Coleman, Freelance Editor said...

Great pics! You must be dying for the snow to melt so you can get out walking with the girls. Come on, spring!

Katie said...

I didn't want to say anything before, but I've long thought Martin would make a great Naked Duck Girl. Turns out I was right!

Jo said...

I just love that picture of Diana, Kennedy, and Libby. Look at those gorgeous, happy girls!