Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Howdy, Strangers!

Sorry we haven't had much time to post lately. Things have been quite hectic around here for a few weeks. I'm hoping things will slow down a smidge soon, so I can post more updates for Emma and Lib's anxiously awaiting fans. (I'm also hoping things will slow down a little so Mama can have a teensy-weensy bit of sanity back.)

In the meantime, to give you a little hit o' the Emma-Libbers cuteness:

Usually, Libby plays Naked Duck Girl at bathtime, but apparently the night of this performance, the role was played by Daddy.

Nanook of the North. I know -- adorable, right? But I've seen it enough, thank you. No ... more ... snow!

Smily Peepers -- a happy girl.

Enjoying the Ohio blizzard with cousins Diana ("Nnnnn-nah") and Kennedy ("Dee-Dee").

Enjoying Ohio chips and dip. Grandma has great treats.

Monday, March 03, 2008

And speaking of photos

You may have noticed the new Flickr "badge" to the right. It shows a rotating bunch of the pictures from our Flickr site. Click on a photo and you'll be taken to a larger version at Flickr. From there you can click on my "photostream" to get all the pictures we've posted.


I've been craving some nice black-and-white pictures of the girls so I started playing around in photoshop. This one turned out pretty well.