Monday, January 28, 2008

What We've Been Doin'

Apologies that some photos aren't going horizontal, for some reason.

What Emma's Been Up To

Sleeping. Lots and lots of sleeping.

In our bed...

Taking Big-Girl (a k a Non-Sponge) Baths

Playing with the Cats (sorta)

Nub's Thoughts: "Please don't be as mean to me as your sister is. PLEASE don't be as mean to me as your sister is."

What Libby's Been Up To

Feeding Baby Doll (and making good use of the Brest Friend)

Torturing Rachel

Martin saw these pictures and said, "Well, this pretty much sums up their whole relationship." Poor Rachel. I've decided Rachel and Emma will be very well suited and will be best buds.

Playing wit' Popcorn.

(Thanks to Katie for the idea of playing with water in a bowl. Then thanks to Aunt Kimmy for the idea of playing with rice instead when I told her that Libby had decided the water was most fun when dumped on her head and clothes. And then thanks to my popcorn for going stale just in time to be useful.)


Anonymous said...

I love the pictures! I feel bad for poor Rachel...this is just the way her Aunt Kandi treated me when we were little! I also see that Libby sits just like I used to be able to do...before I got so old! Both girls are beautiful!

Aunt Kimmy

Jo said...

Libby, that's one of Alejandro's favorite games too! We use Trader Joe's Cheerios, especially perfect for those days he doesn't want to eat anything but fruit. A couple cups and bowls and a mess of Cheerios= a good twenty minutes of distraction. Sometimes I even mop the floor beforehand.

Anonymous said...

Emma is settling in to life with Libby and survival. Libby will toughen her up fast. Not to worry Emma one of these days you will be able to walk and get away from her but on the other hand you will be able to catch the cats and torment them. Two beautiful granddaughters, Love to all. Hang in there Rachel. We all feel sorry for you. Soon Libby will learn not to bite and pull hair. Grandma and Grandpa Kennedy

Henry+Lorraine+Lauren+Lucy said...

Big big thanks to Kerri for even finding the time to post another blog entry for all of us Libby & Emma fans. Looks like Libby's got a lot of love to give ... and Emma's busy with a lot of sleeping. They are each a little slice of heaven. Thx for the update! xoxo

Jules said...

Great photos! I loved the update--those girls keep very busy!