Emma has now entered the world of the walkers! She began a few days ago when she took a step toward Daddy. Now she takes multiple steps several times a day. Big girl! I can't believe it. I told someone at Emma's birthday that I felt like we were on the ticka-ticka-ticka-ticka climb up a roller coaster hill and that the swoop down toward walking and talking and getting big was coming. Wooooosh! Here we go!
And since I haven't posted about Libby recently, let me tell you about the smartest, cutest, most wonderful 2-year-old on the planet. Libby talks most of the time in full sentences now (favorite phrases include: "Mama, what are you doing?" and "What's that in your mouth?"; Grandma and Grandpa's favorite sentence yesterday was when Emma grabbed Libby's foot with her grubby hands: "Emma's making a mess of a Libby!"). We've been doing a lot of gluing activities lately, and she is great at using a foam brush to put the glue on. She can spell Libby "L-I-B-B-Y" (or sometimes "L-B-B-Y"). That's also, by the way, how to spell "Emma" and "tree" and "Santa" ("M-O-O-N," that spells Christmas tree).