Greetings from the sleep-deprived land of infancy! Ahhhh -- it seems like just last year Martin and I were visiting this territory. Oh, wait: It was last year.
Emma is so far an absolute doll -- a real cuddle-bug. I know we're still firmly in "honeymoon" phase with her, but you have to understand that Libby had no honeymoon phase at all. Straight to feistiness and frustration-inducing-ness. I keep saying to my mom, "Do you think something's wrong with Emma? She's so quiet and sleepy." Mom just laughs. Who knew infants were like this?!
I would write more about the labor, but it's old news now anyway (thank God). I'm trying to get past daily reliving the feeling of for days on end of just wanting to die from the pain and then the two-hour surgery of me actually having a few terrifying moments of thinking I might possibly really die or something nutty like that. Shudder. Moving on.
Anyway, because of the C-section, I can't lift Libby or hold her while standing. Martin and my parents have taken up the slack with Martin really pulling a super-dad routine and pretty much having Libby attached to his side every waking minute. He's a rock star.
Thanks so much to all of you for your loving e-mails and posts and phone calls and cards. We're lucky to have so many caring and wonderful people in our lives.
Wonderful pictures!! I love that last one of Martin with his girls. Way to go, Super Dad!
We're so glad everyone is home and happy (and alive!). Sophie and Evie can't wait to meet Emma.
What great fun it was caring for Libby while Mom and Dad were have baby Emma at the hospital. She was a real trouper and made our job easy. Thanks Libby. We also can vouch for Emma. She is one great baby. And we say thanks cause we feel that is going to be needed in the future months. And to Martin great job in holding the family together. And to Kerri who had something to do with the whole thing you are the best. We love you all. Grandma and Grandpa Kennedy
I am so happy for all of you--especially the two girls. There is nothing better than having a sister to share life with!!! And these two will never know life without each other!! What a perfect gift you have given them!
Congrats and happy new year!!!
Yay! I'm so glad Emma's being so sweet and sleepy. And I'm happy you made it safely through the labor and delivery. I can't wait until I get to see Emma in person!
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