Thursday, September 13, 2007

My wife's making me post this

Good lord, I don't post something for a couple months and the next thing you know I'm being accused of not loving my child. Or being dead. Jeesh. Just 'cause we've got a kid doesn't mean I got all the time in the world. I gotta life to lead cha cha.

That said, our daughter is becoming more and more adorable. Only two weeks (plus a little) until her first birthday. She's getting an ipod and a party at the Viper room with p-diddy.


Jo said...

I believe he goes by Diddy now. Or is it just P? Regardless, that Libby is becoming more and more adorable is undeniable.

Anonymous said...

Martin hate to tell you but "you ain't seen anything yet". The time demands get worse and the kids get cuter and smarter. They know how to work the "system". What a cute 1 year old but the we are a little (ok a lot) prejudice. And then there is the little brother/sister coming in December. The Libbers will have to fight for your time. Enjoy it all as it is fleeting and won't be long until the kids are so in to their lives that you just be come the banker and taxi. And have to walk several paces behind them so no one knows you are the parent. Lots of love to everyone.

Grandma and Grandpa Kennedy

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to have to break the news to you guys, but I've already got plans with p-diddy that day...

Kisses to Libby!!


Anonymous said...

Man, Grandma and Grandpa Kennedy obviously don't know what they are talking about, as my kids are going to want to be with me forever. Yes, they are!

Libby is really too cute. Her smile is the best!
