Tuesday, April 03, 2007

The Namesake

I saw "The Namesake" on Saturday (after a meltdown of "Noooo. Mooore. Libby. Must. Escape. House.). If you haven't read the book, go buy it right now and just enjoy. If you haven't seen the movie, I'd recommend it. The romance and love in it between the parents was some of the most beautiful I've ever seen on film. It brought me to tears a few times.

Anyway, the movie got me thinking about namesakes and how lucky Libby is to have not one but two truly wonderful namesakes. This post is honor of you, Grandma Elizabeths!

To make it even more special, Elizabeth is multi-generational on both sides. So this post is also for you, Great-Grandma Elizabeth (and for you, cousins Kennedy Elizabeth and Diana Elizabeth).

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