Saturday, December 02, 2006

Blogger! Curses!

Well, Blogger is doing that thing again where it won't allow me to post pictures. So annoying! I've been trying for four days. I will continue to persevere so you can see pictures of our little devil ASAP.

Of course, I say little devil, but Libby's been on a great roll these last few days. She still screams like nobody's business, but she's calmable now, which is a new thing for her. Ahhhh. Much, much better.

Grandma and Grandpa Kennedy are in town for the weekend and have enjoyed cuddling and cooing with the Libster. Grandma says she talks more than any other baby she's ever known, and I have to agree that Libby seems remarkably verbal; she chatters aways all the time. (Sometimes in her middle-of-the-night feedings she'll get her bright-eyed look and let out a happy squeal and a "goo." I have to look the other way to laugh. Kerri's #1 Rule for Nighttime Feeding: No stimulation whatsoever. Libby's up and down with as little interaction as possible so as to keep her sleepy. It's hard to enforce this rule when your kid's being so damn cute, though.)


Anonymous said...'ll really love the verbal when you're in the car, and Libby hasn't been quiet the whole time. She's following in the footsteps of Ian, Vincent, and Kennedy. Can't wait to meet her. Do you think you can stop by NAMS and NA 2-5 on your way home from the airport?

Anonymous said...

We sure enjoyed our week-end with Libby.
We baby-sat Saturday night and she was a doll. By the way she loved watching football with us. The red and white uniforms really took her eye. We can't wait until the 19th when we get to spend time with her again. Love, Grandma and Grandpa Kennedy

Anonymous said...

Ah... but there will come a day when you will need to nighttime breastfeed with bronchitis... and that is where the real fun will begin. Here's to hoping you have a cough-free winter! :)

You know, you guys aren't posting NEARLY enough for my taste. I demand more baby stories, dammit. Now get to it!