I thought Emma was having a little eczema breakout yesterday when this rash started. As you can see, it got pretty bad pretty quickly. Poor little speckled mite. Went to the doctor this morning, and we're now operating under the assumption that Emma is allergic to the penicillin she was on for her ear infection.
Other happy news: Not only is her ear still infected, but they're now BOTH infected. Grrrrrr. We're not having such a good time of it healthwise around here.
In the for-real happy news: The rash doesn't seem to overly bother her (especially now with some Benadryl), and she's in really good spirits. There's also no sign of any anaphylactic problems from the allergy. Phew.
P.S. Kandi, doesn't she look like Sage with her face all big and swollen like this? The Sager lives!