So far, we've been spared Libby dropping an F-bomb, but she has started saying "crap" every once in a while. The other day I asked her where she'd put her cup, and she said, "Crap. Where is that? I had it in my hand the whole time." Oops.
Right now my favorite Libby word is "only," which she pronounces "ozhly." I hear it a lot: "No, Emma. This is ozhly for Libby."
I almost had a new favorite word a few weeks ago when she put on these little slip-on shoes that Kelly passed on to us (thanks, Kel!). She said, "Look, Mama! I have sleepy girls." I thought a minute. "Oh, you have slippers?" "Yes, slippers." And -- alas -- she has pronounced it correctly ever since. Darn. Sleepy-girls would have been a fun one.
My two Emma favorites are "bath" and "apple." She has really started to understand how language works and how she can use it to her advantage. To this end, she likes to ask for "akkles" all the time. "Akkle! Akkle!" She loves the akkles. More specifically, she likes to chew the apple and then spit little akkle bits all over my house.
But more than that, Emma loves her "bap." Mention the mere word bath in her presence, and she starts crying, "Bap! Bap!" Emma's voice is usually adorably breathy. "Bap" is said in a voice about twice her usual decibel level. "Bap! Bap! Bap!"
Emma is to the point where she is picking up a new word or two every day. Today's word of the day was "kick." And she pulled out "stick" a few times, which was yesterday's word of the day. What can I say? The kid is smart. (And a helluva kicker already, by the way.)