And speaking of sweet, our sweet little flashdancer had a great (and busy!) Halloween. She's been on a nap strike for a few days, so I worried she wouldn't have the energy to make it. I shouldn't have worried. Our little party animal did just fine.
We had playgroup at our place today and made a real Halloween party of it! We even attempted to corral the kids into a group shot. This is as close as we got, although I'm impressed it even turned out that well. It was a little like herding cats.
Then we "napped" (Libby cried for 50 minutes and slept for 10 -- about her usual M.O. these last few days) and followed that with a visit to Daddy's work. We came home to find Halloween cards from both grandmas (what perfect timing!), and Libby ended the day with her favorite activity: playing with Daddy and making him put on her new fave, a headband.