Saturday, April 18, 2009

Lady Sassafras the Speckled

I thought Emma was having a little eczema breakout yesterday when this rash started. As you can see, it got pretty bad pretty quickly. Poor little speckled mite. Went to the doctor this morning, and we're now operating under the assumption that Emma is allergic to the penicillin she was on for her ear infection.

Other happy news: Not only is her ear still infected, but they're now BOTH infected. Grrrrrr. We're not having such a good time of it healthwise around here.

In the for-real happy news: The rash doesn't seem to overly bother her (especially now with some Benadryl), and she's in really good spirits. There's also no sign of any anaphylactic problems from the allergy. Phew.

P.S. Kandi, doesn't she look like Sage with her face all big and swollen like this? The Sager lives!


Kelly said...

Poor baby! So if she can't take penicillin, what can she take?

Anonymous said...

We think Emma looks like her Mother when she had chicken pox. Do hope Emma is getting well now that she is off that awful penicillin. Now to work on getting both ears healed. She has been a real trooper through all of this. Hang in there Emma better days are ahead. Lots of love to everyone. Grandma and Grandpa Kennedy

Jo said...

Wow. I'm just so happy that she isn't uncomfortable. Feel better, Emma!

Lisa Barron said...

Awww...Nick is allergic to Amoxicillin and this is how we found out, at about the same age too. Ned is allergic to Penicillin. Must be a Barron thing!! At least she's not uncomfortable from the spots and I can't believ how big she's gotten since Thanksgiving!!

Henry+Lorraine+Lauren+Lucy said...

Oh no, baby girl : ( Sweet thing. What a trooper. I can only imagine how exhausted (emotionally and physically)you must be, Ker. Take good care of you.

A concerned mom said...

My daughter, who ironically is also named Emma, now has the same rash. She developed it this morning, but because she was at a sitter I didnt know about it till this evening. The nurse line suggested that it was probably called "amoxacillin rash", a non-allergic reaction. She just finished the amoxicillin 2 days ago, and now has the rash. I have read that is doesnt really mean that they are allergic and cannot have the meds again, it is just a reaction. They may or may not react the same way again. They say only 3-10 % get the rash. I hope to get more answers when I call my ped in the morning.

Kerri said...

Dear Concerned Mom -- I'll definitely be talking with our doc about this possibility next time we see her! Thanks for alerting me to its existence.

Hope your Emma is already feeling better!

~Kerri (Emma's mom)