Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Cousins Kennedy and Vincent are visiting this week, and they have been a welcome change from the sea of pestilence that has been our lives of late. It started with Libby getting the stomach flu a week and a half ago and evolved into a cold with ear infections (two for Libby, one -- her first -- for Emma) and then overcame Martin and I, who have been laid low since about a week ago. Nothing but sunshine and smiles around here, people, let me tell you.

You know, on second glance, the pestilence actually started several weeks ago when both girls got colds that turned into a hospital stay for Libby for mild pneumonia. Just wanted to be sure the record clearly showed the monumental crappiness of our recent times.

Here -- a record of happier moments:

My quest to get a great picture of the girls together continues. This one is pretty darn cute, though. (FYI: Libby's Band-aid is purely decorative.)

We've been watching "The Muppet Show" on some special Fridays as part of our family pizza-and-movie party. As you can see, the whole family is entranced. (And Emma now sings a great "Mnahamnaha" ... or at least the doot-doot-doot parts.)

Here's to non-cootie-laden springtime ahead!


Anonymous said...

Great pictures. The girls seem to really be interested in the picture but then so is Martin. Like father like daughters. Fun to watch their personalities develop. Each in their individual way. You go get them girls. Love to all. Grandma and Grandpa Kennedy

Unknown said...

Damn those cooties!
We loved seeing you last night, boogers and all.

Jules said...

That's a great photo of the girls! Other than Emma's rash, I hope you're all feeling better. I love that you're all watching The Muppet Show! Now I'm going to have that theme song stuck in my head....