Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Dr. Daddy

Well, it's official: Dr. Daddy is in the house! Martin successfully defended his doctoral thesis Thursday. It was a thrilling day. Alas, Blogger is acting horribly right now, and I can't seem to post any pictures. I will post them ASAP. In the meantime, I just wanted to pass on the good news!

And if you have any ideas on what Martin can obsess about now, feel free to post a comment below. He's going to have a lot more brain power and time to use up.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Dr. Barron,

Now you will have the time to concentrate on two kids (or more) and work on the "honey do" list.

Great job on a hard to achieve objective.

Betsy and Earl Kennedy

Todd S. said...

WOW! I am SOOOO behind on catching up on your blog.

Congrats Martin!! (only what....3, weeks later).

Very cool. When you are next in Columbus, I have this pain in my rudebago....oh...not THAT kind of doctor. Sorry. too much caffeine.

Anywhoo...congrats!! and Libby is just the cutest!!! You guys are truly blessed!

Talk to you soon,

Todd S. said...

BTW, as an aside....switching over to the new interface for blogger has been working well for me, there's an 'autosave' feature now...no more 'lost pix'. :-)