Friday, December 14, 2007

Errrrr. Never mind.

Well, we're back from the hospital. With no baby. But I do have a prescription of sleeping pills and a renewed faith that perhaps I can survive another day.

I shan't post another entry until the new baby is in kindergarten. Maybe by then I'll be convinced that Baby really is going to come out someday.


Anonymous said...

hang in there. this baby will come eventually. and i liked all the posts. it brought some much needed drama to my day. keep the updates coming.

Susan said...

OMG, I'm sorry, but that was the funniest thing! I'm with Gen - keep the updates coming. BBPD will show up one of these days.

Anonymous said...

Aw, shucks. The waiting game is the worst part, I think. (For us spectators, too.) I hope you have all of your Christmas shopping done — now finish that book! ... We can't wait to hear the news!

— Momma Mitchell

Henry+Lorraine+Lauren+Lucy said...

why won't they get that baby out of you??? oh kerri, please get rest if you're comfortable enough to do so. we are thinking of you. xoxo

Unknown said...

Dang it! Well, hopefully you'll at least get some sleep. Libby, soak in the last few moments of being an only child! It won't be long!!!

Anonymous said...

Kerri - We're pulling for you! I'm so sorry to hear you didnt get to have BBPD today! As I mentioned in my email - it was the first thing Dakota told me when he got home - in a very hurried voice and with concentrated effort..... " I have to say this before I forget.....Mrs.... Mrs.... K..... Mrs. MUUURRRRDock said to tell you that Kerri's having her baby today!.... Thats it!! Thats a very important message I had to tell you as soon as I got home... how are you feeling today?"

Anyways - we are both hoping BBPD and Dakota can share a birthday on 12/15 - thats only a few hours away! :)

Hang in There!
Lots of Love

Jules said...

Well, phooey! Here I was all set to see some pictures of you holding lovely new [insert baby name here]. Well, I hope that at least you'll be able to rest...and finish reading Anna Karenina!